Business end of the Kent Solar PV and Battery storage job.
Business end of the Kent Solar PV and Battery storage job. 10Kwh DC coupled battery storage from @solaredgepv 6Kw inverter with 6.2kW of panels on the roof. @surgeprotectiondevices DC Surge Protection Devices on the 2 strings of panels to protect the equipment and installation on the DC side from transient voltages. This is a well designed…
16 way TPN Install in Rochester
16way TPN Install in RochesterInstalled a new 16way TPN @schneiderelectric Distribution Board today.Much improved now with space for new additional loads being added in the future. We are loving the Plug On Neutral system on these boards. Absolute game changer!!Liam & Kevin on this project. Thanks for your effort@electricallightingsupplies on the supply once again